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Defense innovation & VC investment event at the National Security & Defense Committee of Lithuanian Parlament

On December 8, 2023 the National Security & Defense Committee at the Parlament of the Republic of Lithuania, under the leadership of MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas co-hosted with Coinvest Capital a round table discussion on the state of defense innovations and VC investments in Lithuania.

To foster a collaborative ecosystem of defence innovation and venture capital investment in Lithuania, we organised a discussion together with the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence on 8 December 2023, which was streamed live on the Open Seimas Youtube channel.

The objectives of this discussion were:

  • to inform the Committee members and other participants and live broadcast viewers about the Lithuanian and global trends in venture capital investment in dual-purpose, security, defence and deterrence start-ups;

  • Discuss the opportunities, challenges and solutions for an integrated and collaborative ecosystem;

  • stimulate defence innovation and its financing in line with the most pressing security needs.

Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Chairman of the National Security and Defence Committee, Paulius Saudargas, Vice-Chairman, and Prof. Valdas Rakutis shared their insights and visions as law-makers.

The latest news on the financing of security and defence innovations from the European Parliament's SEDE subcommittee was presented by MEP Petras Auštrevičius. Lithuanian defence business opportunities and challenges were discussed by Robert Juodka, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Defence and Security Industry Association (LGSPA).

Viktorija Trimbel, Managing Director of Coinvest Capital and Board Member at Lithuanian Business Angel Association LitBAN presented the key figures, areas and start-ups for venture capital available for the swift defence innovation, from Lithuania to the NIF (NATO Innovation Fund), while Dominykas Milašius from Baltic Sandbox Ventures shared his thoughts on the great value of a collaborative ecosystem for defence innovation and investment and what we could learn from other countries examples.

Video recordings and presentations are available below. The video is in Lithuanian language, an updated version with English subtitles will be coming soon.

Video of the live broadcast

Presentation by Viktorija Trimbel, Coinvest Capital (in Lithuanian)

Presentation by Dominykas Milašius, Baltic Sandbox Ventures (in Lithuanian)



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