We always co-invest
Building partnerships & ecosystems is in the DNA of our Fund, encoded in its name – Coinvest Capital.
We aim to be fast & founder-friendly, we care about the success of our portfolio companies and founders, we start curious and informed about market trends & innovations, and we remain competent & professional in our decision-making.
We always co-invest in startups with partners:
offering a generous profit-sharing scheme for accredited private investors at successful exit, and/or
investing on equal terms (pari-passu) with other co-investors
You can apply for funding directly to our Fund, and we will be happy to share your pitch deck with our network of accredited private investors to assist in finding co-investors. If you already have interest or commitments from other investors, this accelerates our investment process.
Investment structure
We tailor our investment structure to specific startup needs through equity or convertible loan instruments. Our ticket sizes are subject to startup age, innovativeness, and other factors defined in the Fund's mandate documents:
up to EUR 600,000 standard ticket
up to EUR 1,200,000 for an innovative company
up to EUR 1,600,00 for a young & innovative company registered outside of large cities
Our target share in the round is:
60-70% vs. accredited co-investors
30-50% in case of investing on a pari-passu basis
When co-investing under a profit-sharing scheme with accredited business angels and other private investors, the minimum number of accredited private investors is:
two when we invest less than EUR 100,000
three when we invest more than EUR 100,000
Angel syndicate (legal entity) is considered as one investor.
Our ideal target startup
We are an evergreen fund and can invest in very early startups that are still developing their product and are not generating revenue. We look for startups with:
clear understanding of the actual target customer needs
solving a real problem
founders' team with complimentary skill set, dedicating their full attention to the startups
innovative edge and future-proof solutions with IP
next round funding & exit potential
In order to qualify for our investment, a startup shall not be in the status of financial distress ("sunkumus patirianti įmonė").
In the ideal case, we seek to co-invest with business angels or other investors who understand both the industry and markets where a startup plans to expand.
We are stage and sector-agnostic and have a wide range of startups in our original portfolio, yet our current focus is on:
DefenceTech, MilTech & DualUse
DeepTech, BigData, SaaS
ClimateTech & GreenTech
Life sciences, BioTech & MedTech
Impact Investing
Supporting women founders
Get ready for due dilligence
We aim to take investment decisions and complete deal negotiations fast, our investment committee is scheduled to meet every week, but the actual speed depends on the readiness and smooth cooperation of all parties involved, from founders to lawyers and co-investors.
To be able to move ahead fast, we expect you to have:
1-3 interested co-investors, depending on the deal structure
company's documents ready for the legal due diligence, with a focus on IP ownership rights, employee, vendor, and client contracts, if any, as well as financial reports & budgets
founders & key employees available for technical & business due diligence
Our typical process involves:
online application via our deal room, which we discuss internally on a weekly basis
potentially interesting startup founders are invited for an in-person or virtual meeting and Q&A session, after which we identify the next steps
in case a startup has no co-investors identified, we facilitate finding them through our networks
we present potential investment to our investment committee for the soft approval to move ahead with initial due diligence, based on which we prepare and negotiate a term sheet with startup founders
on the basis of the signed term sheet and investment committee approval thereof