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About Us

Coinvest Capital was founded in 2018, aiming to strengthen the Lithuanian business angel ecosystem by providing a generous profit-sharing scheme for accredited private investors, and to improve access to risk capital for the early-stage startup companies.

Coinvest Capital stands out as a unique sovereign VC fund, fully funded by the Lithuanian state and the EU. It is a 100% subsidiary of the National Promotional Institution ILTE, which is, in turn, owned by the Ministry of Finance. Government ownership ensures the Fund's stability and reliability, acting as a shareholder on behalf of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Fund's executive management team was fully renewed in 2022 and continues managing the existing portfolio and making new investments according to the renewed investment strategy and focus. 

We apply the best venture capital industry practices when making investment decisions and cooperate with our accredited lead private co-investors, who, in the majority of the cases, are granted our voting rights and contribute to the portfolio monitoring process by representing investors on the board.

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We are committed to strengthening the Lithuanian startup ecosystem, sharing our expertise and insight at numerous industry events and conferences in Lithuania and abroad, mentoring startups of various accelerators, and joining juries during hackathons and pitch competitions.

Our Managing Director, Viktorija Trimbel, serves on the board of the Lithuanian Business Angels Association and we are humbled and proud to have been awarded the Best VC Partner of LitBAN during its first five years of operations.

Coinvest Capital is the brand name of the Fund. Its ownership & governance structure is presented below.

Performance Reports

Learn more about the Fund's activities by downloading the official activity reports (in Lithuanian).

Management structure of the Fund

Coinvest Capital nuosavybes struktura
Coinvest Capital valdysenos struktura
Policies & Regulations of the Fund's Activities

Coinvest Capital is a wholly owned subsidiary of ILTE and applies policies, procedures, legal & normative acts, universal to all ILTE Group, unless the Fund's specifics require a separate tailored document. Majority of these documents are available in Lithuanian language only.

Please find more information via links below:​

Reputation and Corruption Prevention

Impeccable professional reputation is one of the central values ​​of COINVEST CAPITAL and its holding company, ILTE. We apply a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and consistently and purposefully carry out corruption and fraud prevention in order to ensure that our employees work transparently and efficiently. We expect the same from our independent investment committee members, portfolio company founders, key employees, and fund co-investors.

Let us know if you have any reason to alert us to a potentially high risk or suspicion of wrongdoing, such as corruption or conduct that qualifies as corruption, criminal activity, or potential misappropriation or misuse of fund investments. Also, do not hesitate to suggest changes to our procedures if, in your opinion, they may allow abuse of official authority.

Remember that Lithuanian law prohibits any defamation or false accusation of another person's crime. Such behavior is punishable by law.

  • If you would like to notify or alert us about the founders, key employees, and co-investors of the Fund's portfolio companies, please use the form below. Your report will be investigated within the Fund.

  • If you wish to report or warn us about the conduct of Fund employees and/or independent investment committee members, please use the facilities provided by our holding company, ILTE, in accordance with the Group's policies and procedures at this link:

  • In addition, you can report suitable problems directly to the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania:

  • In case of non-transparent use of EU structural financial support, you can submit a report directly here:

Read more about the rules and procedures for investigating the reports here:

Use this form to notify the Fund regarding co-investors & portfolio companies:
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The Fund Management Company:

The Fund:

Sub-fund companies:

Office address (by appointment only):

Registered address (all companies):

Kofinansavimas, UAB, company code 304295647, VAT code n/a

Koinvesticinis fondas, KŪB, company code 304537659, VAT code n/a
Pirmasis koinvestavimo fondas, UAB, company code 304865563, VAT code n/a

Antrasis koinvestavimo fondas, UAB, company code 304810378, VAT code n/a

Trečiasis koinvestavimo fondas, UAB, company code 305538575, VAT code n/a


Vilnius str. 33 (Talent Garden Vilnius), Vilnius, LT-01402, Lithuania

Palangos g. 4-101, Vilnius, LT-01402, Lithuania

© KŪB "Koinvesticinis Fondas", all rights reserved.

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